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Top, Trending & Viral music charts from Spotify, YouTube, Billboard & more

Always fresh and up to date Music charts!



Carefully curated Top, Trending and Viral playlists from Spotify. Playlist are updated daily, it's always fresh!


Carefully curated Top, Trending and Viral playlists from YouTube. Playlist are updated daily, it's always fresh!


All the latest Billboard charts! Discover Music charts of yesteryears plus the latest trending Billboard playlist of today!


Favoriting songs you love is just a click away, save all your favorite music into a favorite playlist collection, take them with you wherever you go!

Create Playlist

Besides the hundreds of playlist we've got, you can curate & create your own personalised playlist, tuned to your own music taste!


Everyone has thier favorite music Artist! Follow all your favorite music artist, find them all in one place & listen them over and over again!

Floating Video Player

Listen Music uninterrupted and continously with our Flagship floating player. Continuie listening even while you WhatsApp your friend!

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Import your favorite playlists from major Music streaming services like Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Music, Apple Music, Gaana etc

Sync Your Music

All your music data like playlists, favorites & artist are safely backed up, restore them to another device anytime you switch device!


One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain

- Bob Marley